Welcome to the first annual SEO World Championship. We are launching this competition with the intention of starting a new tradition within the Search Engine Optimization field. SEO is one of the fastest growing Internet media channels today. Our objective is to highlight the advantages of SEO surrounding the advertising community and help sustain the technical development within optimization. The main challenge of this contest is for a website to rank as high as possible on the organic search engine results on all 3 search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). We will determine the winner based on an average ranking between the selected search engines. Click here for more information .
The Keyphrase to optimize for is "globalwarming awareness2007". The target is to rank as high as possible on all three major search engines Google , Yahoo and MSN . Keyword was announced 2007-01-15 13.00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time). With your help we will advance Search Engine Marketing technology and knowledge while using SEO as an educational tool.
GlobalWarming Awareness2007
Together we can make a difference. Please read more and find out how you can help the GlobalWarming Awareness2007 project.
Ask any questions related to the SEO World Championship. If you have any questions or just feel like to discuss the contest see our SEO World Championship Forum or email info@seoworldchampionship.com.
The contest will start January 15th, 2007 and end in May 1st, 2007.The keyword / key phrase will be announced on January 15th at 13.00 PM EST and the final results will be checked on May 1st at 18.00 PM EST
The rules are simple and must be followed in order to qualify for a prize. Anyone can join at anytime during the contest. See the complete list of rules for the SEO world championship here: official rules
Prizes in the Seo World Championship
In order to qualify for a prize you must follow the official rules for the SEO World Championship 1st prize: A brand new Citroen C2.
The winner of our first prize will receive a brand new Citroen c2 from the closest local car dealer.
2nd prize: A Caribbean Cruise. The winner will recieve travel checks.
3rd prize A plasma tv
4´th prize $500
5´th prize $100
How to claim your prize
How to claim your prize
All prizes will be awarded by Eastpoint. In order to claim your prize we need valid contact information along with the necessary authenticity of the winner with its correspondent site. See the official SEO World Championship rules.
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