Saturday, December 30, 2006

Nama Anak

Terus terang baru sekarang aku ngerasa buat nyari nama itu susah. Apa lagi kalo nama itu adalah untuk nama anak sendiri. Beberapa buku nama anak en berbagai sites yang nyediain nama nama untuk anak dah aku baca, malah tambah pusing... kelewat banyak malah bikin pusing buat nyortirnya.

Aku pinginnya nama anak aku itu punya makna, jadi nggak asal asalan apa lagi kalo kata orang tua tua dulu bahwa nama itu adalah doa.

Trus... nambah susahnya... aku belon tau anak aku itu ntar jenis kelaminnya apa... kemaren dah di USG tapi lupa nanyain jenis kelaminnya, kelewat senang liat di monitor gitu.. hehehe

Ada yang bantu nyariin nama buat anak yang punya makna bagus gitu.waktunya tinggal 2 bulanan lagi nih...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Gempa Di Taiwan Internet Di Asia Lumpuh

Gempa di Taiwan ternyata sangat berdampak pada Jaringan Internet di Asia. Dengan kekuatan 7,1 SR ternyata telah menyebabkan putusnya 90 persen Koneksi Internet di Asia. Putusnya fiber optik ini di perkirakan baru bisa di perbaiki paling cepat sekitar satu bulan.

Setelah Gempa di taiwan tersebut, pada tanggal 26 Desember 2006 pukul 19:27 WIB. Kabel China - United States (CHUS) dan South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 3 (SMW3) down. Lalu pukul 21:58 WIB. Kabel C2C (City to City) down. Diikuti pukul 23:06 WIB. Kabel Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) Segment 7 (S7) down.

Tak sampai disitu, pada esoknya tanggal 27 Desember 2006 pukul 01:00 WIB. Kabel Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) Segment 3 (S7) down dan pukul 03.30 WIB. Kabel Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) juga down.

Akibat dari putusnya kabel optik ini menyebabkan jaringan internet di Asia tak bisa mengakses situs situs luar dan ini menyebabkan pemakai internet di indonesia menjadi kebingungan. Sebab dari banyaknya Email yang di pakai user di indonesia adalah email dari luar dan ini menjadi terhambatnya komunikasi para pengguna internet di Indonesia.

Akibat kejadian ini dapat mengganggu Investor ke Indonesia dan juga telah membuat 70 persen pendapatan Warnet di Indonesia anjlok karena kehilangan usernya. Namun ini juga bisa menjadi momentum yang tepat buat promosi bagi pengusaha lokal yang sebelum ini lebih banyak di kuasai oleh luar.

Namun yang menjadi suatu keuntungan dan patut di syukuri bagi Indonesia dari kejadian ini yaitu tidak terjadinya gempa tersebut di Indonesia. Karena Banjir, lumpur panas, Lonsor dan Bencana alam lainnya masih belum mengeringkan duka rakyat Indonesia.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Alternatives to Google AdSense

Yahoo Publisher Network

Yahoo! is expanding its distribution network to include you.

Based on demand from online publishers, we are opening our Publisher Network to the broader publisher community. Through the expanded platform, we plan to offer unique products and services to publishers of all sizes.

The new Yahoo! Publisher Network platform is now in beta and it enables you to:

  • Generate additional revenue from your site. Display ads related to the content on your site. You'll earn revenue from qualified clicks.
  • Take advantage of Yahoo! Publisher tools, services and programs. Integrate other Yahoo! services into your web site, including Add to My Yahoo! (RSS), Y!Q and much more to come...
  • Help shape what Yahoo! offers the publishing community. This beta program is just the beginning. Our mission is to deliver products and services based on the needs of the publishing community.


Clicksor will pay you up to 60% of the advertising clicks revenues generated from your website. Contextual Advertising Technology by Clicksor allows your visitors to enjoy the content of your website and bring generous earnings to you at the same time.

As an affiliate, Clicksor passes its profits along to you by paying up to 60% of the advertising clicks revenues generated from your website. Clicksor provides online real time stats and a fortnightly payment schedule. In any pay period in which your earnings exceed $50.00, payments are made either by check or instantly through PayPal. Revenue totalling less that $50 will rolled into the following period.

Clicksor offers webmasters the opportunity to earn additional income by simply underlining a selection of clickable text or dislaying targeted contextual banner on their websites.


RealContext helps Online Publishers maximize their ad revenues by displaying contextually relevant, targeted, and best bang-for-the-buck ads on their websites.

Based on our proprietary patent-pending Content and Behavior-based Targeting (CBeT) technology, RealContext is the next generation ad targeting system that will help you leverage your two biggest assets: your online audience and your online content.

RealContext will select ads that are:

Relevant To Your Content

Artificial intelligence techniques are used to select the most relevant ads that suit your web page content

Targeted To Your Visitors' Interests

Your site-specific ad-click through data is used to select the most targeted ads to match your visitors' interests

Selected to Maximize Revenues

Relevant and targeted keywords selected from your site are matched & filtered based on what advertisers are paying

RealContext Value Proposition:

  • Selects ads that match both your content and your visitors� interests
  • Dynamic feedback loop to learn your audiences� likes and dislikes and select targeted ads
  • Leverages your site-specific click-through data to only select ads that suit your audience�s interests.
  • Relies on a tightly-coupled reverse mapping algorithm to select ads with high revenue potential
  • Provides detailed in-depth domain- and url-level reporting
  • Supports kid-safe filtering, category/topic mapping and domain-/topic level ad blocking


Place text ads on your site and get paid for every click

Are you sure you are getting the most out of your advertising space?

Join BidVertiser now and we will turn your advertising space into cash! Simply display the BidVertiser text ads on your website and let advertisers bid against each other! We will always display the highest bidders to maximize your revenue!

Get paid for every click

You get paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad. Our goal is to enable you to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space. We pay by monthly checks, with a minimum of only US $25.

Always have the highest bidders displayed on your website

BidVertiser will always display the highest bidders on your site, assuring the maximum revenue possible at any given time.

Have your bidding steadily improved over time

You will see a constant improvement in your bidding over time, as both your visitors and our advertisers will be exposed to the opportunity of bidding against each other on your ad space.

Customize the layout of your ads

BidVertiser gives you a simple point-and-click tool to help you customize the layout of the ads to fit your site's look and feel, in order to retain the high quality of your website.

Block any unwanted ad

BidVertiser enables you to filter-out any unwanted ads. Prior to your own filtering, each ad has to be pre-approved by our editorial team. This mechanism gives you a piece of mind with regards to the ads displayed on your website.

Generate detailed reports to monitor your ads performance

Use the Publisher Center to generate detailed online reports to monitor your ads performance, including the number of page impressions, clicks, click-through rate, and the total amount you've earned.


AdBrite, "The Internet's Ad Marketplace", is an e-commerce site. Rather than selling books, CDs, or rare antiques, AdBrite sells ad space on thousands of websites.

If you're a publisher, use AdBrite to set your own ad rates, and approve or reject every ad that's purchased for your site. AdBrite enables you to instantly sell ads to your visitors via a "Your Ad Here" link, in addition to selling through AdBrite's marketplace and sales team.

Our revenue split is 75/25 in your favor. Through a small snippet of HTML placed on your site, we handle serving, scheduling, billing, customer service, and sales. About half of AdBrite's sales are generated from our marketplace and sales team, while the other half are generated from users clicking "Your Ad Here" on our publisher's sites.

While AdBrite can provide publishers with more revenue and better ads than traditional ad networks such as Google AdSense, we work fine along-side them as a simple way to generate additional ad revenue by selling ads directly to your visitors -- something the other ad systems don't do.

If you're using AdBrite in addition to another ad network, you can turn off AdBrite's "run-of-network ads" and AdBrite will only display ads that have been approved by you. If you have no ads running, AdBrite will display nothing but "Your Ad Here", so no real estate is wasted and you have nothing to lose.

AdBrite doesn't display the big "brick" of ads that you're used to. Rather, AdBrite gives publishers full control over the look and feel of their ads so AdBrite can be integrated seamlessly into any website.

Mamma Media Solutions

Earn revenue from search and graphic advertising while enhancing your site at the same time. You have the flexibility to select or combine two different types of revenue streams for your website: search ads or graphic ads.

Graphic Ad Solutions

Maximize revenue on your site with a wide range of ad units based on viewed ad impressions or clicks. Receive targeted ads, from high quality advertisers on your site and increase your site�s earning potential.

Search Solutions

Implement a simple search solution to make your site more user friendly and generate revenue. You can choose to have organic search results, or search ads, or both!


From :

AdSense Alternate Ads

AdSense Alternate Ads

Many webmasters are not looking for a true replacement for Google AdSense, but instead are seeking for an alternative for when Google AdSense is not able to find an advertisement which matches the content of their web page. Normally, when AdSense is unable to find a matching advertisement, it selects a random Public Service Announcement (PSA) and displays it in the ad space. These PSA's generate no revenue for the webmaster.

Google has created the ability to load an alternate ad when it cannot find a matching ad. This is accomplished by setting a variable called google_alternate_ad_url in your AdSense layout code:

google_alternate_ad_url = "/adsense-alternate-ad.shtml";

These alternate ads can include advertisements from Google AdSense competitors.

This capability enables you to tap into a revenue stream which would normally by lost to AdSense PSAs. It also enables you to test Google AdSense alternatives in a reduced-risk environment.


From :

Google Adsense Tips and Tool

Google Adsense is an amazing contextual advertising program that lets you earn revenue from your site by a variety of revenue generating programs. Pay per click ads, Adsense for search, referrals for Firefox with Google toolbar, Picassa, Google Pack and the adsense program itself. This is a compilation of common Google tips and tools to make more money from Google Adsense.

Google Adsense Guidelines

Adsense Starter Demos

  • Google Adsense Tour - introducing you to the Adsense program.

  • Getting Started Demo: learn to sign in, copying and pasting your code, setting up alternate ads, and using your Competitive Ad Filter.

  • Help with Ad Code Demo: troubleshoot basic problems when implementing your code. Also covers how to implement your code using two different types of WYSIWYG software.

  • Payment Demo: learn about the AdSense payment cycle, from a click on your ads to money in the bank!

  • Optimization Demo: learn how to use ad size and placement to maximize your AdSense revenue.

Track Adsense Income, Statistics and Clicks

  • Adsense Notifier - Firefox extension that displays your Adsense earnings on the Firefox statusbar.

  • SysSense - personal desktop Google AdSense monitor. It keeps your current Google AdSense information in the Windows system tray.

  • Adsense Widget - a Mac Dashboard widget that automatically logs into your AdSense Google account and displays the last 6-days of revenue generated from your Google advertising account.

  • Google Adsense Yahoo Widget - displays the current income directly from your Google AdSense account.

  • Stats for AdSense widget - allows you to view your Google AdSenseâ„¢ reports directly from your Mac OS X Dashboard.

  • Adsense Status - GoogleDesktop plugin to View earnings information from your Google Adsense account in the Google Desktop sidebar. Available information: page impressions, clicks, page CTR, page eCPM, and your earnings.

  • Adsense Alert - desktop client monitors your adsense earnings.

  • Adsense Gold Tracker - tracks clicks from Google adsense and Yahoo publisher network ads

  • AdLogger - an open source Adsense tracker designed for web publishers and website owners.

  • Performancing Metrics - a free professional grade blog statistics service that track limited adsense click data

  • AdSenseDesktop - provides a wide variety of analysis methods for your AdSense statistics.

  • Google AdSense Module (Clicksafe) - special edition Google Adsense module for Joomla.

  • Adsense earnings RSS feed - a simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings to track via your regular feed reader.

  • Google AdSense Charts and Graphs - chart your adsense data in a multidimensional line charts.

  • AdSenseLog is a tool for checking and analyzing your Adsense ads data (Content, Search, Custom/URL channels and Referrals).

View / Test Adsense Ads

  • Google AdSense preview tool - addition to the right-click menu for Windows Internet Explorer 6.x, allowing you to preview the ads that may show on any web page.

  • Adsense Preview - Preview the Google ads that may show on any web page.

  • Google AdSense Sandbox Tool - see what sort of Google AdSense ads will appear based on content or keywords. See up to 20 sample AdSense ads for the URL or keywords.

  • Overture Keyword Tool - suggest keyword bid amount and keyword suggestions, which help you target high paying keywords.

  • Google Adwords Keyword Tool - generates potential keywords for your ad campaign and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends.

Google Adsense Wordpress Plugins

Google Adsense Optimization Tips

Alternate Ads

  • Alternate ads - allows you to utilize your ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to your page.

  • Alternate Url - provides a 50/50 Revenue Share, full global coverage monthly payments automatic referral income, family safe ads, paypal supported and gives detailed stats.

  • AlterNut Ad - pays you a flat rate every month in return for you displaying thier ad rather than the PSA. Invite only.

  • Default Ads - load your affiliate or other ads into DefaultAds and generate a link to include in your Google Adsense alternate ad URL. They show their own ads 1 out of every 100 impressions for this service.

Google Adsense Books and Videos

Adsense Chats and Forums

From :

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Google Supplemental results

What are Supplemental Results?

Google supplemental results is a separate database to the normal Google index, pages that fall into the supplemental database normally have the following characteristics:

- Lack of inbound links to the page
- Not a direct link from the homepage (orphaned)
- Duplicate content of either Meta tag, description tag or body content

How can I tell if I’m in supplemental results database?

In Google type the following in a search field

Look at your pages indexed in Google, if any of those pages have the word supplemental result in green after the URL then they are in supplemental results.

Why would Google do this?

Why not!!!! It makes complete sense. Google does not want it search results to be clustered with documents that have no meaning. Think about it, if you have pages that are so important you would be acquiring links and avoiding duplicating your content. Okay some pages can go supplemental and it can be annoying but if you want to be in the main index you have to work for it J

How do I get out of the supplemental results?

Okay firstly I have noticed when a site gets indexed for the first time certain pages can go supplemental, if this is the case wait it out until the next crawl of your site. However check your site for the following:

- Make sure your site has a sufficient number of inbound links, but not to just the homepage get some links pointing to internal pages.
- Make sure you have a link to your page from the homepage (try not to have more than 3 links deep if possible)
- Check for duplicate content on your site

The following can almost guarantee you getting out of the supplemental results.
Confused by all this SEO stuff? check out my internet marketing ebook

John Cammidge is CEO of Richnow Ltd, I love learning about internet marketing and search engine optimisation

Marketing Without Expense

Another great free way to get visitors and again gaining trust is to blog, why publish a blog? Publishing a blog allows you to instantly create new content-rich web pages. These new pages can be linked to from the home page of your current website and/or promoted separately. By creating additional content-rich website pages and promoting them from your home page or through other means, you will be accomplishing two important things: 1) you’ll provide more value for your website visitors. This increases the "stickiness" of your website making people stick around longer and ultimately trust you more. On the Internet, trust translates to profits!

2) Search engines LOVE fresh content created through blogs. By publishing your own blog and adding fresh content to it on a regular basis, you'll attract the attention of the major search engines who will list your website in their directories for FREE. That's right! As soon as you have pages of your blog in the search engines, you'll start attracting free qualified traffic to your site without paying a dime for it. Remember, Google Adwords? Imagine running a large and comprehensive Google Adwords campaign without paying anything for it... That's exactly what you can accomplish by publishing your own blog! These are just a few ways to attract high quality visitors for FREE.

3) Linking to high traffic sites is a natural and cheap way to get visitors. I highly recommend You really need to get quality inbound links to your site from highly visited websites but SLOWLY. Remember to check the Google PR and Alexa rating, especially the amount of visitors the site gets. Also make sure it relates to the content of your website. You can sign up for FREE and link up to to 5 high traffic and ranking sites a day. Here you will be able to check actual Alexa ratings.

Be warned, Google PR (Page Rank) does not reflect the amount of real visitors a site gets. Use Alexa for this. If you need any help just contact me at the top of this page and I will answer your questions to the best of my experience. I hope unsuccessful or new Home Business owners find this useful and give you hope. It can be a lonely business and hard to find trust. For a superb insight into successful marketing then please take a look now on my second page for great marketing knowledge and an in depth interview that I am personally still learning from by an author called Corey Rudl. More information about this author can be found at

Steven Jones
Lattrad Services

Friday, December 08, 2006

Google Adsense-pun diminati Teroris

Menurut pernyataan Jim Hedger dari Webmaster Radio pada Konfrensi Strategi Mesin Pencari di Chicago Amerika Serikat bahwa Kelompok Al-Qaeda dan Kelompok Teroris lainnya didanai oleh Google melalui Situs dan Blog mereka yang memiliki Iklan Google AdSense. Dan juga melalui fasilitas Google AdWork.

Kelompok pemberontak ini berlaku curang dengan mempergunakan program clickbot yang kerjanya memalsuan jumlah akses. Sehingga penghasilan yang mereka dapat lebih besar dari seharusnya. Google mendapatkan bayaran dari pemasang iklan untuk setiap pengunjung yang meng-klik iklan di AdSense maupun AdWords. Sebagian bayaran itu kemudian mengalir kepada pengelola situs yang mengikuti program AdSense (menampilkan iklan dari Google di situs atau halaman web mereka).

Dalam kasus ini, rekanan yang mendapatkan aliran dana adalah pemilik account di Orkut. Rekanan ini mengalirkan dana ke 'badan amal'. Badan amal ini sebenarnya tidak pernah ada karena hanya kedok bagi kelompok seperti Hizbullah, Pemberontak Irak maupun seluruh jaringan Al-Qaeda di seluruh dunia.

Kemungkinan Google tidak bisa dianggap bertanggung jawab terhadap aktivitas terorisme tersebut. Karena, pada prinsipnya, siapapun boleh memasang fasilitas iklan Google sepanjang ia mematuhi aturan.

Dalam kasus ini Google dikritisi karena kurang tegas menangani click fraud. Padahal click fraud merupakan metode yang digunakan kelompok tersebut untuk meraup uang dari Google.

Diambil dari

Thursday, December 07, 2006


To me, fair friend, you never can be old
For as you were when first your eye I eyed,
Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold
Have from the forests shook three summers' pride,
Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn'd
In process of the seasons have I seen,
Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn'd,
Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.
Ah, yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand,
Steal from his figure and no pace perceived;
So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,
Hath motion and mine eye may be deceived:
For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred;
Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Blog Juga Bisa Menghasilkan Uang

Blog atau Web menghasilkan uang ? mungkinkah...?? Bisakah ??

Pernah liat Web atau Blog yang juga menampilkan iklan kan...??

Kalo belum, coba aja perhatiin blog ini. Blog atau web yang menampilkan iklan baik itu berupa Banner atau text iklan berpotensi sangat besar menghasilkan uang buat sipemilik web atau blog. Karena setiap iklan yang diklik oleh pengunjung akan ada komisinya dari web penyedia iklan tersebut uat pemilik web atau blog. Macam macam jenis program yang ditawarkan, ada yang perklik, ada yang baru mendapat komisi jika barang yang kita iklankan dibeli orang dan ada juga kalo pengunjung dari web atau blog kita mendaftar program tersebut dari web atau blog kita yang mengiklannya.

Lalu bagaimana caranya...??

caranya mudah kok, kita cukup mendaftar ke web atau blog penyedia program tersebut. Biasanya web atau blog kita direview dulu dan kalo web atau blog kita memenuhi persyaratan nya, kita akan diberi script iklan untuk ditempatkan di web atau blog kita.

Trus, dimana bisa mendaftar dan web apa saja yang menyediakan iklan tersebut...??

Neh beberapa situs yang menyediakan program iklan tersebut.

1. Google Adsense 2. Yahoo Publisher Network 3. Chitika 4. Amazon 5. PayPopUp
6. Tribal Fusion 7. EmarketMakers 8. ShareASale 9. FastClick 10. Adtegrity
11. MaxOnline 12. TAF Master 13. AllClicks 14. LeadCrunch 15. Casale Media
16. Commision Junction 17. AzoogleAds 18. Opt-Media 19. LinkShare 20. Adhearus
21. 22. AllPosters 23. Lunar Pages 24. Dark Blue 25. Marketbanker
26. RealTechNetwork 27. LOUDcash 28. RealCast Media 29. Dating-Central 30. CashRing
31. AffiliateFuel 32. ClickXchange 33. Burst Media 34. AdBrite 35. Rydium
36. Primaryads 37. Kanoodle 38. Mamma Media Solutions 39. TargetPoint 40. Gozingnetwork
41. AdSonar 42. Offersquest 43. TrafficParking 44. Ingo Publishing 45. ValueClick
46. TmpExpress 47. Right Media 48. CPA Empire 49. ClickBank 50. Kolimbo
51. Focalex 52. NCSReporting 53. Coverclicks 54. WebSponsors 55. Hurricane Digital Media
56. Global Life Enhancements 57. Yesup 58. TicketsNow 59. Adagency 60. AdservingNetwork
61. ImpressionUP 62. YourSiteBar 63. Ad Jungle 64. VibrantMedia 65. PopUpTraffic
66. Euroclick 67. Zangocash 68. Clicksor 69. SearchFeed 70. US Online Pharmacy
71. Text-Link-Ads

Selamat mencoba dan mengeruk Dollar dari mereka.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Blog Tanpa Head Tab

Bagi para pemula yang memiliki Blog dengan menggunakan Blogger pasti akan muncul tanda Tab Blogger di bagian atas blognya.

Nah kalo kamu lihat pada blog ini, yang juga menggunakan Blogger ( Blogger the best.. :) ) tanda Tab Blogger tersebut tidak ada. Kenapa...?? karena emang saya sengaja dihilangin, bukan karena saya nggak ngehargai Blogger tapi nggak sreg aja, tapi bagaimanapun saya tetap menampilkan logo blogger di side bar Blog ini.

Lalu kamu juga mau tanda Tab Blogger tersebut nggak muncul...?? caranya mudah, maap kalo yang dah tau syukur dech.. tapi kalo yang belum ini sedikit yang saya tau untuk juga diketahui bagi yang belum tau.

1. Login ke Blogger
2. Klik Template dan edit Script kamu.
3. Ketik < n o e m b e d > sebelum < b o d y > dan < / n o e m b e d > di awal kata <body><br />4. Ketik di belakang kata < b o d y >

Maka hasilnya akan seperti :

< / s c r i p t >
< / h e a d >
< n o e m b e d >
< b o d y >
< / n o e m b e d >

Setelah selesai lalu Save dan Publish.
Maka Blog kamu nggak bakalan muncul tanda tab dari blogger tersebut.
Selamat Mencoba

Film Amatir Indonesia

Menjelang even Perfilman Internasional JiFFest, Jakarta International Film Festival yang ke 8 di Jakarta tanggal 8 sampai 17 Desember 2006 ini, pembuat pembuat Film Indenpedent Indonesia pun tidak mau ketinggalan untuk berkarya.

Trend baru yang dimunculkan para Sineas Perfilman Amatir Indonesia ini mulai berubah haluan, kalau sebelumnya dengan menampilkan muka muka baru yang masih segar, sekarang lebih menampilkan wajah wajah yang sudah berumur tapi lebih menampilkan Instansi atau lembaga pemerannya.

Contoh Film terbaru yang sudah beredar saat ini adalah Film “ Panasnya DPR “, menampilkan Bintang barunya dari Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dengan Artis Penyanyi Dangdut.

Film dengan promosi terbesar saat ini, yang setiap Media Infotaiment baik Media Cetak maupun Media Pertelevisian begitu gencar gencarnya memberitakannya, tak ketinggalan dengan menampilan cuplikan Film tersebut.
Dari Instansi Pemerintahan juga tidak ketinggalan dengan Filmnya. Kali ini PNS Pemkab Klaten yang unjuk kebolehan. Dengan mengambil lokasi syuting Ditempat makan ala lesehan Film itupun di buat. Film “ Dinas Lesehan “ ini baru dikenal didaerahnya di Klaten, tapi sudah mulai dicari cari di kota kota lain peredarannya.

Film Film yang masih keluar versi betanya ini baru bisa di nikmati dari ponsel yang memiliki fitur Video Streaming sudah banyak diminati para pencinta Film, dan juga aparat kepolisian.

Dari Film Film tersebut yang menggambarkan bagaimana sebuah moralitas dapat kita ambil hikmah dan pelajaran, yaitu “ HATI HATI” dengan Film di Ponsel anda dan waspadalah akan Perbuatan Anda karena Apa yang anda perbuat bisa saja akan direkam sama orang lain.