Friday, February 23, 2007


Welcome to the first annual SEO World Championship. We are launching this competition with the intention of starting a new tradition within the Search Engine Optimization field. SEO is one of the fastest growing Internet media channels today. Our objective is to highlight the advantages of SEO surrounding the advertising community and help sustain the technical development within optimization. The main challenge of this contest is for a website to rank as high as possible on the organic search engine results on all 3 search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). We will determine the winner based on an average ranking between the selected search engines. Click here for more information .


The Keyphrase to optimize for is "globalwarming awareness2007". The target is to rank as high as possible on all three major search engines Google , Yahoo and MSN . Keyword was announced 2007-01-15 13.00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time). With your help we will advance Search Engine Marketing technology and knowledge while using SEO as an educational tool.

GlobalWarming Awareness2007

Together we can make a difference. Please read more and find out how you can help the GlobalWarming Awareness2007 project.


Ask any questions related to the SEO World Championship. If you have any questions or just feel like to discuss the contest see our SEO World Championship Forum or email


The contest will start January 15th, 2007 and end in May 1st, 2007.The keyword / key phrase will be announced on January 15th at 13.00 PM EST and the final results will be checked on May 1st at 18.00 PM EST


The rules are simple and must be followed in order to qualify for a prize. Anyone can join at anytime during the contest. See the complete list of rules for the SEO world championship here: official rules

Prizes in the Seo World Championship

In order to qualify for a prize you must follow the official rules for the SEO World Championship

Citroen C2 1st prize: A brand new Citroen C2.

The winner of our first prize will receive a brand new Citroen c2 from the closest local car dealer.

Cruise 2nd prize: A Caribbean Cruise. The winner will recieve travel checks.

Plasma TV 3rd prize A plasma tv

$500 4´th prize $500

$100 5´th prize $100

How to claim your prize

How to claim your prize

All prizes will be awarded by Eastpoint. In order to claim your prize we need valid contact information along with the necessary authenticity of the winner with its correspondent site. See the official SEO World Championship rules.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The World Bank 2007 Essay Competition


January 5, 2007 - Launch of the Essay Competition
March 15, 2007 - Deadline for submissions
April 20, 2007 - Finalists announced
May 17, 2007 - Final Jury in Bled, Slovenia
May 18, 2007 - Award Ceremony during the ABCDE Conference in Bled, Slovenia (The World Bank will cover travel and accommodation expenses for the finalists)


WANTED – Your Practical Ideas

Today is your world! You are making a difference. Tell us how corruption affects your daily life as youth and what you can do to overcome it.

Participate now and have your voice heard! The World Bank and its partners invite you to participate in the International Essay Competition 2007 to share your experience and ideas on fighting corruption.

Answer both topic questions:

1) How does corruption affect your life?
2) What can you do to fight the corruption that you face?

If you have been personally involved in concrete initiatives, write specifically about your experience: How did you recognize corruption? Who have you worked with? Who have you helped? What have you accomplished? In what way would you consider this work to be innovative? How have you measured the results of your work? How would you improve your impact? How can other youth replicate your experience?

If you don’t have practical experience, write specifically about your ideas: How would you work to fight the corruption that you face?

Who can participate

Are you:

• A young person between 18 and 25 years of age (born in the years 1982 – 1989) from any country of the world?

• Interested in global issues?

• Attending school or working?

If you answer ‘YES' to all of the questions, then you can participate in the Essay Competition!!
The competition is open to students and non-students alike, able to submit their essay in either English, French or Spanish.

Length and format

How long should your essay be? Your essay may not be longer than 10 pages (4000 words maximum), 1.5 line-spaced.

You are also required to provide an abstract of no more than one page. An abstract is a short summary in which you explain the aim, the methodology, the reasoning and the main conclusions of your paper. The abstract will be used by the jury to make a pre-selection.You may submit your paper and abstract in English, French or Spanish.

How to submit

How to submit your essay?The submission process for the Essay Competition 2007 is entirely Internet-based.

Essays submitted by email or post will not be accepted.


• Submissions will be accepted till March 15, 2007.

• Each participant can only submit one essay.

• Participants must be between 18 and 25 years of age (born 1982 - 1989).

• Essays should not be longer than 10 pages (4,000 words, maximum), 1.5 line-spaced.

• Essays can only be submitted online, in English, French orSpanish.

• Each essay must be accompanied by an abstract (max. one page). The abstract will be used by the jury to make a pre-selection.

• All essays will be blind reviewed. References to specific individuals, firms, or schools, which might reveal the author's identity are discouraged.

• Quotes and references must be clearly marked throughout the essay and properly cited.

• All essays must be original. No previously published material will be accepted. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification. Please note that all essays will be screened with a specialized software to verify plagiarism.

• We recommended that you write your essay in a word-processing program (check for grammar and spelling; clarity counts).

• Contestants are asked not to add emphasis using HTML etc. Italics and other text formatting will be added to the finalist essays for publication purposes.

• The World Bank reserves the right to publish and/or to make available to the public the winning essays.

• The decision of the Jury is final and is not subject to an appeal.

• Participants of the previous editions of the Essay Competition are also encouraged to apply.

Friday, February 16, 2007

WHO Photo and video contest

Photo and video contest: Images of Health and Disability 2006-2007

Theme: Health and Environment

Date: Deadline for submitting entries - 09 March 2007

Place: World-wide, open to all

WHO invites photographers and video producers to participate in this annual global photo and video contest. This year the contest focuses on "Health and Environment".

Provide your high-quality photographs and video clips and give your creativity free reign! The photos and video clips should portray the positive or negative impact of the environment on people's health and day-to-day life. They will contribute to WHO's efforts to highlight impact our environment has on health.

This contest was initiated in 2002 to coincide with the release of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to promote understanding of health and disability.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Aku Ingin Berpuisi

Aku ingin berpuisi
Tentang waktu yang berlari tak berkeluh kesah
Tentang aliran air got
Walau tersumbat tak ber demo

Tentang ikan emas di dalam telaga
Mengipaskan ekornya menaikan pasir...
Biarkan saja...
Lukiskan saja sarangnya di sudut telaga
Jangan di lempar...
Jangan menambah kotornya telaga...

setyelah masuk ke beberapa blog dan liat banyak puisi.. egh pengen juga bikin puisi

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Our Eart

Ingat nggak di masa masa sekolah kita sering di ajarin tentang bulan pada kalender. Dari bulan januari sampai bulan Desember, mulai dari jumlah harinya sampai karakter dari bulan tersebut.

Dan yang lebih sering keingat adalah musim cuaca pada bulan bulan tersebut. Kita di kasih tau kalo bulan yang berakhiran BER, seperti September, Oktober, November dan Desember adalah bulan yang memiliki musim Hujan, selain bulan tersebut umumnya musim panas.

Sekarang coba kita lihat apa yang terjadi ?
Kita nggak bisa lagi berpedoman dengan itu semua. Bulan yang berawalan “ Ber “ bukan lagi bulan yang memiliki musim hujan, malah banyak menjadi musim kemarau... kekeringan dimana mana. Sebaliknya juga begitu, bulan Januari, Februari, Maret April Mei Juni Juli dan Agustus bukan lagi musim kemarau, malah banjir dimana mana, bahkan lebih besar dari tahun tahun sebelumnya.

Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi pada bumi ini ?